Interview with Parents and Kids Magazine. Hero

Interview with Parents and Kids Magazine.

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Dr. Megan Lott was interviewed by Gretchen Cook, the publisher of Parents and Kids Magazine. In this lively interview Dr. Lott discusses her story of how she began practicing vision therapy, how she views vision, and why vision must be ruled out if a child is struggling in school. A light-hearted interview that answers common questions and misconceptions regarding vision. A must watch for all parents.

Written by Megan Lott

Dr. Megan Sumrall Lott is a functional optometrist who practices in Hattiesburg, MS. She is a 2006 graduate of Southern College of Optometry. She began practicing optometry by providing primary eyecare at Lexington Eye Care in Lexington, MS. After providing vision therapy to her 9 month old son to correct an eye turn, Dr. Lott realized she had found her passion in functional optometry.
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