A woman with a head injury sits on the edge of a bed while a doctor flashes a light in her eyes, checking her vision-2 Hero

Category: Brain Injures

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How Long Do Vision Problems Last After a Concussion?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that can occur in any situation that involves a blow to the head or a sudden jolt to the body. It is a common injury, especially among children and young adults. While concussions can have many symptoms, one of the most common issues reported after a concussion is […]

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Team approach to Brain Injuries: Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation

One of the most understated disorders after a brain injury and stroke are disorders that happen within the visual system. These disorders dramatically and negatively affect a person’s quality of life including unstable balance, double vision, headaches and  the ability to walk easily, drive a car or read, to name only a few symptoms.  Neuro-optometric […]

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