An eye doctor tests a child’s eyesight with the Landolt C eye chart Hero

Category: Kid's Eye Care

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Eye Tracking and Its Importance For Keeping Reading On Track

It may be a surprise if your child struggles with vision despite wearing glasses. Many patients assume that reading troubles are a learning difficulty, like a short attention span or ADHD, but vision problems can be closely related to academic performance. Your eye doctor can identify these issues during a functional vision exam and recommend […]

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Understanding How ADD/ADHD & Vision Problems Are Related

ADD/ADHD is a complex disorder that often appears as an inability to focus or sit still. But did you know that vision problems can cause similar outcomes? There are many vision problems that can cause symptoms similar to ADD/ADHD, which has led to the question: are ADD/ADHD and vision problems directly related?  While one of […]

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Your Sight, Your Way- With MiSight Myopia Management Contact Lenses

Sometimes I think kids are indestructible.  Who else can survive on Mac and Cheese and happily dodge bedtime? Laugh at playground injuries that have Mom or Dad scrambling for an ice pack? Fight off two bad guys by themselves while their parents are away for Christmas?  As parents, we know the truth. Despite their energy […]

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When Should a Child Have Their First Eye Exam

Have you ever seen one of those cute pictures of babies wearing glasses? Those glasses aren’t always photo props. Unless they’re accompanied by a Groucho Marx mustache, they’re likely real! There are times when small children really need vision support, and identifying those needs starts with an eye exam. So when should parents book that […]

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