Team approach to Brain Injuries: Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Hero

Team approach to Brain Injuries: Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation

One of the most understated disorders after a brain injury and stroke are disorders that happen within the visual system. These disorders dramatically and negatively affect a person’s quality of life including unstable balance, double vision, headaches and  the ability to walk easily, drive a car or read, to name only a few symptoms.  Neuro-optometric […]

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How Rehabilitation for Concussion Patients Works

If you or someone you know has a concussion, it’s important to understand the intricacies of this condition to be aware of the best ways to recover. This form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have long-term repercussions if left untreated, so it’s essential to understand the symptoms and recovery process associated with concussions. The […]

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Your Sight, Your Way- With MiSight Myopia Management Contact Lenses

Sometimes I think kids are indestructible.  Who else can survive on Mac and Cheese and happily dodge bedtime? Laugh at playground injuries that have Mom or Dad scrambling for an ice pack? Fight off two bad guys by themselves while their parents are away for Christmas?  As parents, we know the truth. Despite their energy […]

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Does Your Child Have Dyslexia or… is it something else? The hidden diagnosis contributing to reading difficulties

Many children present to our office with difficulties reading.  They often have received a diagnosis of dyslexia prior to visiting our office; but is it really dyslexia?  In my professional opinion it is difficult to diagnose dyslexia with certainty when a visual processing evaluation has not been performed.   Can both a visual and language problem […]

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Is Macular Degeneration vs Glaucoma Related?

Your eyes play a crucial role in daily life, allowing you to see the world around you. However, your vision can change all the time. Low vision can make everyday tasks challenging and affect your quality of life. Macular degeneration and glaucoma are two eye conditions with different causes and treatments. But both can lead […]

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Types of Binocular Vision Dysfunction Treatment

Your eyes are designed to work together to send images to your brain about what you see. This synchronization is called binocular vision. If you have binocular vision dysfunction, your eyes aren’t coordinated, causing physical and visual symptoms. There are various types of binocular vision dysfunction treatment, including vision therapy.  With a trained vision therapist, […]

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How Vision Therapy Can Support Those Living With a Brain Injury

Did you know that March is Brain Injury Awareness Month? It’s a reminder that over five million people in the United States are living with some degree of brain injury. That’s one in every 60 people, which is a lot! Many of them also struggle with their vision. Contrary to what most people might think, […]

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Did You Know February is Low Vision Awareness Month?

Are you out in public? Take a moment and look around you. Chances are that some of the people you see have trouble with the following: Reading Recognizing faces Watching television Driving This is because they have low vision, a condition that affects over three million people in the United States, most of them over […]

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When Should a Child Have Their First Eye Exam

Have you ever seen one of those cute pictures of babies wearing glasses? Those glasses aren’t always photo props. Unless they’re accompanied by a Groucho Marx mustache, they’re likely real! There are times when small children really need vision support, and identifying those needs starts with an eye exam. So when should parents book that […]

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